Bathroom wall mirrors: which elements have to be taken into consideration before the choice.
Wall mirrors cannot be chosen with carelessness. These mirrors are not only useful accessories, but also important décor elements.
Bathroom wall mirrors
The first thing to do while choosing a bathroom mirror is deciding where to put it. The ideal place is not only above a washbasin. Mirrors, in fact, can be positioned to the wall or on the floor. Before buying it, it is necessary to understand clearly where to put it and so measuring the available empty space. Floor mirrors usually allow to reflect the whole body and they need a dedicated place. They are suitable for average/big dimensions bathrooms.
For all other cases the choice can be a wall mirror. In case of classic style bathrooms, round, rectangular or oval mirrors can be the ideal solution. For much modern styles, there are rhomboidal or composite solutions.
Containing mirrors
When the bathroom is really small, often we tend to avoid the wall mirror. Today it is possible to retrieve some room, not neglecting the aesthetic point of view: it is enough to choose a containing mirror, that means a mirror furniture element. Before opting for this solution, it is necessary to measure the room available above the washbasin. Containing mirrors are a sort of hidden pieces of furniture, in which shutters are made of mirrors. Some avoid this solution because of old models, with distorting mirrors. Today, all available models are practical and aesthetically pleasant, so with nothing to do with old cabinets. Solutions provided by modern technology allow a no-distortion reflection. This containing mirrors fulfill therefore two different functions, since they allow as well to replace accessories, make up and hygiene products.
Before proceeding to purchase it is necessary to measure also the mirror’s width, in order to avoid models which would be too protruding in relation to the washbasin.
Mirrors with light
A bathroom mirror is essential. Everyday people brush the hair, do make up or simply freshen up in front of the mirror itself. But often a bad light does not allow a proper usage. In many cases, in fact, bathrooms are designed with just a central ceiling light. For a better use of the room, it would be suitable the installation of different spot lights. Today it is possible to fix the issue with led light mirrors: a very smart solution, especially in the darkest bathrooms. Depending on the specific lighting needs, the choice can be perimetral light, double light mirrors (up and down), backlit mirrors, side light mirrors and so on. This type of bathroom accessories is even more suitable in case there is no electrical set up or enough space to install some spotlights with enlighten directly the mirror. The installation, furthermore, is not always suitable in relation to the usage the mirror is meant to. Light, in fact, should be well directed and with the right power towards the mirror, in order to be effective during delicate operations, such as make up.
These mirrors are moreover equipped with led light, so promoting energy saving.